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First class quality

Sunflower seed kernels

Sunflower kernel (live, without heat treatment) is a pure and natural product.

The sunflower kernel, or raw sunflower seeds, is a storehouse of vitamins A, E, D and F. The biological value of seeds is higher than the value of eggs or meat. Seeds are much easier to digest. They contain more vitamin D than cod liver oil. Sunflower seeds are rich in calcium. Contain: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, fluorine, silicon, chromium, manganese, cobalt, copper, molybdenum.


Flax seeds

The seeds of modern varieties contain about 50% oil and 30% protein. Flaxseed oil has unique dietary and medicinal properties, and is also used in many industries. Cake and meal are high-protein feeds. Flax straw is used for the production of fibers, paper, construction materials.

Sunflower seeds

The quality of sunflower oil depends on the quality of sunflower seeds supplied for processing, the terms and conditions of storage of seeds. The main quality characteristics for sunflower seeds are oil content, humidity, ripening period. The oil content depends on the sunflower variety and climatic conditions. The higher the oil content of the seeds, the greater the oil yield. The optimal percentage of moisture content of sunflower seeds supplied for processing is 6-8%. Too wet seeds are bad. In addition, the seeds must be well cleaned, the content of debris should not exceed up to 2%.
This stage is one of the most important, since the indicator of the quality level of seeds entering the preparation area
plays a decisive role in the final quality of the finished product - sunflower oil.


Rape seeds

This is a multifunctional culture that is used in various areas of the national economy, food and chemical industries, cosmetology, is an excellent honey plant, etc.

Rapeseed as a fodder crop

Rapeseed is an early maturing and frost-resistant crop. Early planting and the possibility of late harvesting prolongs the use of green mass.

Meal and cake are used as food for livestock and poultry - processed products after obtaining oil from seeds. This feed supplement is rich in protein and beneficial minerals.

Rape as green manure

Planting rapeseed as green manure is successfully used both in agricultural firms and in personal household plots. This is a cheap way to enrich the soil with organic matter and nutrients.

Barley seeds

Barley grain is used for cooking flourcereals products (barley and barley cereals), feed livestock. Barley is used in the production beer and kvass, at manufacture surrogates coffee. Barley is also used to produce various varieties whiskey, in medical and cosmetic purposes.

Barley is not consumed directly by humans, but turns mostly into cereals, the best variety of which is called pearl barley. Barley is rarely ground into flour for baking purposes, as it does not give a porous dough that could be completely baked. In some areas Finland bread ("rieska") is made from one barley, and it is baked on  birch bark. Usually, when baking, if barley flour is used, rye or wheat is mixed with it.



Types of wheat are divided into two main groups according to the quality of the straw and the ear. The ease of further processing of the cut cereal depends on these features: real wheat (first group) - the grain is easily separated from the flower film, the ear sits firmly on the stem, the straw is flexible and elastic enough not to be crushed during threshing; spelled (second group) - the grains are difficult to separate from the film, the ear easily moves away from the straw, which is easily broken during threshing.

In the classification by type of hardness, another option is distinguished - durum. Durum is a durum wheat variety with a high gluten content. It is excellent for both baking and pasta production.

The use of wheat in the food industry directly depends on the hardness. Soft wheat is used as a raw material for baking flour. Groats and pasta are made from durum varieties. The gluten obtained from them is elastic and strong.

As a rule, flouriness and vitreousness coincide with the properties of hardness and softness. The first grains of wheat flatten easily when crushed, revealing a rather loose white core. If the grain cracks into pieces of irregular shape, and the inside is yellowish, translucent, it is a vitreous grain. Color and strength are due to less or more bonding between the particles. There is also an average type of grains, inside which both types of core are found. Two Hungarian varieties are widely distributed: Banat and Tey, which have similar properties.


Corn is the best of the concentrated feeds, containing a large amount of carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, which are so necessary for pets. Of all grains, corn is the most nutritious. In addition, it has a bright yellow color, and this affects the color of the yolks. However, you should not abuse corn alone. From this grain, pets quickly gain weight and get fat.


Soya beans

Soy is one of the oldest agricultural crops. The high nutritional value of soy and its medicinal properties were known to people five thousand years ago.
As you know, soybeans and products of its processing are high-protein and high-quality feed.
When processing soybean seeds receive:
• Soybean oil
• Soybean meal
• Full fat soy
•To extract vegetable oil and soybean meal from soybean seeds, various technological methods are used.
The quality of the resulting oil is highly dependent on the quality of the feedstock and production technology. For food purposes, it is important to obtain an oil with high nutritional qualities and a pleasant taste. Using
With the press equipment we offer, it is possible to achieve the maximum yield of soybean oil, with a residual oil content of the cake of 6-8%.
Soybean processing technology, as a rule, is based on basic production options that differ in oil yield and quality.


Cotton is used for textile processing to produce cotton yarn. Cotton is used to make fabrics, knitwear, threads, cotton wool and more. Cotton fluff and fluff are used in the chemical industry as raw materials for the production of artificial fibers and threads, films, varnishes, etc.

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